Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you

Николай Лакутин
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: As if I gave it to you! As if she did! How many meanings do You see in this phrase? One? Two? The characters of this play will tell You about the three meanings of this expression. They will tell you, show you and provide you with a choice of the scenario that is close to You! Enjoy your dive… Содержит нецензурную брань.

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18-01-2024, 16:28
Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you

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Minimal furniture. Clean, nothing superfluous. Bachelor's quarters.

Soft lyrical music plays.

Dimly lit, with a Cup of tea in his hand, his other hand in his trousers pocket. Herman comes out slowly and thoughtfully.

He walks up and down the room. Stops, thinks, remembers with warm feelings, walks again.

The music stops.

HERMAN (to the audience): Aren't you a fool? What the hell happened? After all, it is clear that someone else's family has been there for a long time, that you are not expected there, that you are at least not welcome… And here… I wanted to see it. I saw… I Thought it might get easier… It just got harder.

Herman sighs, walks across the room, puts the mug on the table (dresser, shelf – it doesn't matter).

HERMAN (to the audience): Galya… Dear Galya… She hasn't changed a bit… It's exactly the same… And as if all these years of separation hadn't happened. It's as if only yesterday we parted from her, and this morning we met. Everything about her is what a woman should be. And the mystery and restraint, and the extent of promiscuity, and of course that is impossible to explain in words. That's what happens… After all, there are many women, but for someone you feel some invisible thread connecting you both, and for someone nothing at all. And this thread does not matter who has what position, what social or civil status…

Just as you imagine… how many threads… these most invisible threads permeate our space, so much chills takes from delight. Can you imagine? A whole world invisible to the naked eye twisted threads. And so it would be all right, but these threads tend to tighten… shrink. They pull closer and closer… They attract two objects completely, regardless of the circumstances. And no matter how much you resist, no matter how well you know you can't… not supposed to, wrong and wrong, wrong! And this thread… it tightens and tightens. You are getting closer and closer…

So everything is interesting in this world…

Herman takes a few steps

HERMAN (viewer): In General, it is probably correct that these threads are invisible to the eye. After all, they have a mass character, but at the same time they are very personal, very individual. What would it be like if everyone could see these threads stretching from one another? The collapse would have occurred. No families, no relationships… and no excuses. It would only get more complicated. No, after all, how everything in this world is thought out…

At the door of Herman bell rings. He looks at the door with interest. He thinks for a short time, looks at the door again, goes to open it.

Enter Galina in the same dress that she has for all occasions.

HERMAN (surprised, delighted): What a surprise…

GALINA (timidly): As you can see, I haven't forgotten this address… Long stood at the door…, did not dare to call.

Galina and Herman look at each other, both feeling shy, shifting from one foot to the other.

GALINA (timidly): I probably shouldn't have come… Should I leave?

Galina turns and goes to the door, but Herman stops her by grabbing her hand.

HERMAN: This is the second day I've been asking myself the same question… Don't go… please, Galya…

GALINA (timidly): Me… I really want to stay…

HERMAN: What if I ask you to stay forever?

GALINA: Is that really what you want?

HERMAN: I really want it… but is it possible?

GALINA: I don't know what to do… I really don't know… But… But let's do something! (through tears) Do something, please… Do something!!!

Loud final music sounds.

Herman and Galina embrace with all their strength, putting everything they have into this hug.


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