Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you

Николай Лакутин
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: As if I gave it to you! As if she did! How many meanings do You see in this phrase? One? Two? The characters of this play will tell You about the three meanings of this expression. They will tell you, show you and provide you with a choice of the scenario that is close to You! Enjoy your dive… Содержит нецензурную брань.

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18-01-2024, 16:28
Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you

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GALINA (to Herman): Let's take the second one.

Masha returns to the table and sits down. Herman pours the leftovers evenly.

GALINA: Daaaaa… Did I think that I would drink this unfortunate bottle like this…

They raise their glasses. They clink glasses and empty them. Sit down who where.

GALINA (to Herman): Listen, what are you doing here? No, I'm just curious. What were you hoping for? Did you think you were going to come here after all this time and I'd throw myself at you? Did you really think that? Did you even think?

HERMAN (apologetically, in a low voice, Galina): Sorry… I didn't have time to think… Please forgive me. I'm sorry for everything.

Herman gets up, looks at Galina as if for the last time, having conveyed all his love in this look, turns around and purposefully heads for the exit.

Galina calls out to him.

GALINA: Herman?

Herman turns around.

Galina approaches him…, eyes downcast to the floor, all the arrogance is shot down.

GALINA (to Herman): Thank you for coming… Yes… Of course, we wasted our time… And I still care about you. I'm married now, alas… I've been waiting for you… Not wait. And feelings… The feelings are still alive… Thank you for coming.

Lyrical music.

Galina hugs Herman very tenderly, very tenderly, very loving. Herman responds in kind. The couple hugs, reluctantly letting go of each other. Herman leaves, finally nodding his head several times understanding the whole situation.

Masha and Galina stand as if in water lowered.

The music stops.


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