Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you

Николай Лакутин
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: As if I gave it to you! As if she did! How many meanings do You see in this phrase? One? Two? The characters of this play will tell You about the three meanings of this expression. They will tell you, show you and provide you with a choice of the scenario that is close to You! Enjoy your dive… Содержит нецензурную брань.

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18-01-2024, 16:28
Play on 3, 4, 5 people. As if I gave it to you

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The scene is not big. You can simultaneously conduct actions on the stage, where Galina, in a weak light (emitting a secondary theme), after seeing her friend off, closes the door and, being in a certain prostration, walks slowly around the room, tasting fruit without pleasure, carefully brought by her friend. After removing the towel from his head, drying his hair with a towel as much as possible, and sighing languidly, looking somewhere in the distance, he leaves, taking a bone out of his pocket before that, and tossing it on his hand, the one that Igor choked on.

At this time, on the proscenium, or in the aisle between the first row of spectators and the proscenium, there are actions on the street (the main theme of the moment).

Soft lyrical music plays.

Igor goes slowly. The light illuminates a romantic smile on his face. He stops and thinks. Turns around, takes a few purposeful confident steps in the opposite direction, but… Stops. Some notes of frustration and doom are betrayed by his facial expressions. Igor again slowly begins to go where he went.

Masha's faint, breathless voice calls out to Him from behind.

Igor turns around.

The music stops.

Galina leaves the stage at this point (if the actions go in parallel).

Masha catches up with Igor, wearily bent at the waist. Trying to catch his breath.

MASHA: Caught up… Hello again.

IGOR: hi-no drink?

MASHA: No…, but I would also not refuse…

IGOR (instructively and supporting, points at Masha with his index finger): Here!

MASHA: Why didn't you ask for my phone number before you left? Unscrupulous…

IGOR: Because I, like any unscrupulous person, knowing that the girl I liked has a boyfriend, did not interfere in existing relationships. Yes, I'm a heartless bitch, I admit it. But what can you do?.. thus was born…

Masha comes closer to Igor, almost close.

MARY (tenderly): It's so noble, so sweet. You know… I liked you, too. Truth. But with a guy… I've been thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend for a long time. The longer we meet, the more clearly I realize that we are not a couple. Our relationship has no future, I was only with him so I wouldn't be alone. I'm very afraid to be alone… One… Alone with your thoughts, with your own… not realized by the senses… With its feminine essence, which has not found someone who would accept all this without teachings, instructions and claims… I have never met such people before. I… of course, I'm not perfect, I understand everything, but…

Igor takes a step towards Masha and hugs her tenderly.

Masha hugs Igor in response.

IGOR: You know, Masha… I am well aware that my visits to Stas's apartment are not very welcome. I couldn't explain to myself why the hell I was always going there. Like I'm looking for something, like I'm feeling something… And now…

Igor and Masha open their arms and look into each other's eyes in awe.

IGOR: Now I know what drove me all this time… I was looking for you!

Igor and Masha hold hands and their loving couple continue their way to the passageway that is going out with a light switch to the pleasant soft music.


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