
Иван Чуйков
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: «Все, что написано – объяснения, толкования работ – совершенно излишне. Тайну, загадку изображения как такового вообще невозможно изложить словами», – говорил Иван Чуйков. Тем не менее он пытался – и у него получалось. Далеко не все художники владеют словом – их материал иной. Но художники-концептуалисты, как правило, им владели – поскольку смысл их деятельности, собственно, отчасти и состоял в исследовании границ между словом и изображением: зачастую концептуалистские произведения сводятся в комментарию или к документации реально отсутствующего картинного образа. Иван Чуйков (1935–2020), классик российского неподцензурного искусства, в отличие от многих своих коллег, занимался подобного рода исследованиями, не выходя из изобразительного поля, – его словесный и аналитический дар реализовался в интервью и письмах. Из них он сам составил эту книгу, но, к сожалению, не успел увидеть ее изданной. При этом книга представляет не только автора. Она позволяет рассмотреть изнутри то художественное движение, которому автор принадлежал и в котором был одной из главных фигур, – но рассмотреть в очень индивидуальной оптике, оптике прирожденного живописца, человека «зрительного таланта». «У меня всё начинается не с какой-то идеи, которую нужно представить в картине, объекте или инсталляции, а всегда с некоей визуальной идеи, визуального образа – просто хочется, требуется сделать вот такую картину, вот такую инсталляцию. А все объяснения – a posteriori – попытки рационально объяснить, понять самому, в чем дело».

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7-09-2023, 08:28

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О фальшаках

Zimmerli Art Museum

Mrs. Alla Rosenfeld

Corner of George and Hamilton Street New Brunswick,

New Jersey. 08903


Koln, den 08.03.1996

Dear Mrs. Rosenfeld,

this is to certify that the painting in your catalogue «Nonconformist Art – The Soviet experience, 1956–1986», page 317, with the title «All power…», 1985, oil and collage on fiberboard, 179×122,4 cm. is not a work by me, it is a fake!

Since it is showing my signature, it can not be treated as a joke and I ask you to correct the informations in the catalogue and to inform Mr. Norton Dodge to remove this fake from the collection. To make sure, that an important representative artwork by me is in your collection, I have asked my gallery in Cologne, Galerie Inge Baecker, to send you a proposal for other artworks by me, which I think to be apt to the importance of your collection.

Best regards

Signatur: Ivan Chuikov


April 9, 1996

Ivan Chuikov

c/o Galerie Inge Baecker

Zeughausstrasse 13 D-50667


Dear Mr. Chuikov:

Please find enclosed a list of works by you in the Norton and Nancy Dodge Collection of Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union which are here at the Zimmerli Art Museum. We have re-attributed object number 04144 to an Unidentified artist, but enclose the slide for your reference. If you have corrections, please do not hesitate to make them on the copy of the enclosed list. You can return it to me in the envelope provided and we will make any necessary changes here in our records.



Barbara S. Trelstad

Registrar Enclosure

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Corner of George and Hamilton Streets New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 908/932–7237

FAX: 908/932–8201

May 2, 1996

Mr. Ivan Chujkov

Antwerpenerstr. 33

50672 Koln, Germany

Dear Mr. Chulkov,

We were of course vary upset to learn that you have found more fakes of your works in the Norton Dodge Collection. We understand that these works are far below your high artistic level and may damage your reputation, I would like to assure you that these works, which you indicated as fakes, will be never shown again in any of our exhibitions or published in the museum’s publications. Moreover, I would like to inform you that immediately after we received your letter, the fake work was taken down from the exhibition. These works legally belong to Norton Dodge and we informed him of the situation about these fakes. Norton will be calling you in the nearest future.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



Alia Rosenfeld

Curator of Russian Art





D 50667 KOLN

Koln, den 07.06.1996

Dear Sirs,

we are kindly asking to publish the following information:

At least seven artworks attributed to the Russian artist lvan Chujkov, being part in several great american art collections, proved to be fakes.

In the name of the artist I want to warn: evidently there must be a source for these fakes in Russia. These fakes are either sold directly to America or via a dealer in Canada.

Ivan Chujkov is kindly asking to contact him personally or his galerist Inge Baecker, if there is any doubt about originality of the offered artwork. (Ivan Chujkov. Phone: 0049–221-5101340 / Galerie Inge Baecker Cologne. Phone 0049–221-2570401)

To give a frame of understanding: an artwork with the size of 180 cm × 130 cm, offered under a price of 40.000 DM or 26.000 $ is – with some probability – a fake.

By now nearly all artworks which are offered a: such dumping prices proved to be forgeries.

With kindly regards



Inge Baecker



Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

71 Hamilton Street

New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1248

PHONE 732.032.7237

FAX 732 932.8201

WEB www.zimmerlimuseum.rutgers.edu


Уважаемый Иван!

Я здесь приложу цветные ксероксы сомнительных произведений в нашем собрании. Пожалуйста, укажите на ксероксе, если фальшак, и пришлите обратно к музею.

Таким образом, у нас остается документация/доказательство, что вы увидели и сами указали, что они не ваши работы.

Спасибо огромное и до

скорого свидания

Дорогая Джейн!

Я в некотором изумлении!

Я уже сообщал в Zimmer Museum обо всех подделках, в том числе и тех, что Вы мне прислали. Т. е. № 04881 – это очень плохая копия из каталога моей выставки в Munstere. № 04143 тоже фальшак. Однако, кроме этих 2-х, № 04144 тоже подделка, а также № 01617. У меня есть подобная работа с зеркалом, но это не она. Между тем одна моя работа находится в New York’е у Л. Сокова. Я был бы рад, если бы музей заинтересовался этой работой.

Oct 17, 2008, at 7:02 PM

Neil K. Rector wrote:

Dear Mr. Chuykov:

Thank you for speaking with me today. I am very disappointed with the news, of course, but the most important thing is to get the painting’s attribution correct.

Attached is the image of the diptych that I mentioned over the phone.

I look forward (I think!) to hearing from you about it.

Thank you,

Neil Rector

From: Ivan Chuykov

Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 2:05 PM

To: Neil K. Rector

Subject: Re: Diptych

Dear Mr. Rector,

Sorry, this one is also a fake, though I have to say it is painted a little better. The left part is exactly the same fragment from the poster by Klutsis, which I have used in the painting I’ve told you about. And in the right panel a painting by Rubens was repainted in black & white with just a small part in color – the method I have used in my big «Grisaile». So, the person who faked it was in quite a good knowledge of my works. And it’s no wonder that Kabakov and Groys have not doubted it, though I think they could be more attentive to the texture of painting itself, which in my case is rather more free and more colorful.

Well, I am really sorry to disappoint you but it is a fake.

Still it was a great pleasure to meet a person who is interested and collected it.

Best regards

Ivan Chuikov

From: Neil K. Rector

Subject: RE: Diptych

October 17, 2008 8:26:58 PM GMT+02:00

To: Ivan Chuykov

Dear Mr. Chuikov,

Thank you for your reply. I am very disappointed to get this news, of course. But, as I said, getting the history correct is the most important thing.

As I told you in Berlin, I have loved your work for years. I thought I had two interesting examples of paintings, but, alas, I don’t. So the only thing I have of yours now is a set of 4 photographs from 1977, «Mirror II» that I bought from Marina Sandmann. Please don’t tell me that those are fake, too!

Take care,


P. S. I have helped organize an exhibition of Oleg Vassiliev’s paintings at the Faggionato Gallery in London (www.faggionato.com), which will open on Tuesday, November 25, during «Russian week» in London. Will you be in London that week by any chance? If so, perhaps you could attend the opening and we could meet again in person.

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