Русская елка. История, мифология, литература (4-е издание)

Елена Душечкина
(1 голос)
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Аннотация: В России традиция устанавливать елку на Новый год и Рождество долгое время воспринималась как нечто самой собой разумеющееся и потому ускользала от научного взгляда.

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7-01-2024, 08:28
Русская елка. История, мифология, литература (4-е издание)

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The Russian Fir: History, Mythology, Literature

In Russia, the tradition of setting up a fir tree for the New Year and Christmas has long been taken for granted and therefore eluded scholars’ attention. This monograph by the prominent literary scholar Elena Dushechkina is the first and most significant Russian study on the history and mythology of the Christmas/New Year tree. The author explains how this custom gradually came into practice in Russia, how it gained popularity, and what obstacles it encountered at various points in history. Engaging both works of fiction and a wide range of documentary sources, such as memoirs, diaries, newspapers, and magazines, Elena Dushechkina carefully reconstructs the path that the fir tree has travelled prior to becoming an essential part of the Russian winter holiday tradition. Elena Dushechkina (1941–2020) was a Professor at Saint Petersburg State University, a specialist in Russian literature and culture.

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24книги » Культурология » Русская елка. История, мифология, литература (4-е издание)